What a visit! DC was entertaining as well as educational. From the
moment he started rapping he had the students captivated. He intertwined
funny stories with brilliant writing tips that left the kids hanging to
pick up a pen and start writing. Thanks for the great show!’
- The 5/6 Team, Bannockburn Primary School, Vic.
visit to our school was wonderful. Our students and teachers loved his
stories and writing tips. Thanks for inspiring us, DC!’
- Holly Dixon, Kolbe Catholic College, Vic.
Green knows his audience and pitches his talk exactly to them. Our year
seven students were engaged from the start. They were excited by his
ideas and coming up with their own. It was great for the boys to see
that writing can be accessible and fun.’
- Sharon Mitchell, Teacher-Librarian, Ashfield Boys’ School.
‘DC's presentation to the Grades 3 & 4 was before lunch. In the afternoon, all the children wanted to do was write stories!’
- Jenny Chandler, Larmenier School, St. Leonards, TAS.
Green’s visit was highly successful. His valuable writing tips will be
used as a resource for narrative writing. I’ve been reading Erasmus
James during roll call to an appreciative audience who have begged me to
keep on reading day after day. I like the length of the chapters. We
now have several DC Green books in the library. Our reluctant readers
have been borrowing and returning for more. DC has hit upon a formula
that appeals to a teenage audience, particularly Year 7 boys. DC could
work with teachers, in-servicing them on the finer points of narrative
writing for NAPLAN.’
- Barbara Kelly, West Wallsend High School, NSW.
again for your fantastic performance, the teachers and students were
very impressed. We have created posters of your writing tips and the
teachers have noticed great improvement in the girls’ creative writing.’
- Selina Ryan, Librarian, All Hallows' School, Brisbane.
‘Thank you so much for inspiring such enthusiasm for both your books and for writing. A wonderful visit!’
- Michele Micallef, St Paul's Primary School, Vic.
children really enjoyed DC Green's talk. I have photocopied DC's
‘Writing Tips and Ideas’ for the teachers. They have certainly given the
children some great ideas and story starters.’
- Sue Dmetreson, Librarian, Gerringong Primary School.
eclectic enigma. Billy Connolly meets Kelly Slater in a literary
mismatch in the classroom. Bizarre, egotistical, enthralling, funny and
not to be missed (unless you are on RFF like me).’
- Marcus Arnold, Dapto Public School.
children at our school thoroughly enjoyed the zany, pacy presentation
by DC Green. He combined an entertaining mixture of story telling with
hints for aspiring writers as well as an opportunity for the children to
be involved in his show.’
- Margaret Calvert, Minnamurra Primary School.
“DC’s performance was both entertaining and engaging. The girls came away with some great writing tips.”
- Ms Croft, Year 5, All Hallows' School, Brisbane.
children are enjoying your books and they are still talking about your
visit, which is lovely to listen to. You have inspired a lot of children
with your ideas and enthusiasm!’
- Annette Graham, Ballarat North Primary School, Vic.
‘Here are just some of my thoughts...
- Much better than Andy Griffiths!
It was great to see an author talk about writing – for some reason
students have listened to him instead of me. We have used the DC Green
approach to writing for recounts to make them more interesting, focusing
on one or two exciting/interesting events as opposed to a boring
sentence on everything they did!
- Visuals on whiteboard were great.
- It was great to see that he knew his books well enough to recite and dramatise!!’
- Glenn, Ballarat North Primary School, Vic.
fantastic experience! DC’s writing tips were great too. The children
had lots of fun and the Year 5’s I worked with this morning were
referring to DC when we were discussing the children’s books we are
writing this term. They would say, DC Green said… “No boring bits,”
“Have a conflict in the story” and “Something crazy happening”.’
- Yalinda Allen, St. Bernadette’s School, St. Mary’s, SA.
‘We’ve had lots of positive comments from kids and teachers.’
- Greg Wilmot, Emerald primary School, Vic.
Comments from Elizabeth South Primary School, SA…
‘The feedback from the show has been great. The kids went home "raving" to their parents.’
- Sue van der Veer, teacher librarian.
"Fantastic. Very engaging and highly entertaining for the students :)
Great! :) (Jess, year 5/6/7 teacher)
"Children seemed very engaged and enjoyed the performance." (Alan, intervention teacher)
it, kids were inspired!" (Sarah - 3/4 teacher - and she told me her
kids spent the entire afternoon working on developing a character)
"Humour really got them in" (Gill 4/5 teacher)
"Excellent! The kids loved it. DC kept the kids engaged the whole time."
(Donna 1/2 teacher)
"Brilliant! Kids enjoyed the whole thing and teachers had a giggle too!!"
(Danielle (Reception teacher) & Kate (2/3 teacher))
"Great morning - the kids had a good laugh and learnt lots about writing a good story." (Lynley - SSO)
Green rocked the library! He made us laugh until our eyes popped out
and shared some fab writing tips with us too!" (Me - on my library blog -
Shoal Bay PS comments…
Stage 1 teacher ...
Content and motivation very good. Children stimulated and keen!
Stage 2 teachers...
Overall I thought he was really good :)
# He engaged kids particularly boys (data suggests our boys are doing poorly compared to girls)
Loved, loved, loved the editing talk (again this is something kids
really can’t do!!) I think it was great for them to hear from him that
editing is an important life skill and I am hoping that that particular
point resonated with my boys :))
was animated and energetic and engaged the kids. My boys certainly
enjoyed it and I plan on starting a narrative writing time in class for
the reminder of the term as I feel that my kids will do extremely well.
Kids enjoyed his humour.
Stage 2 AP ...
I enjoyed the show and I love that beanie, I want it!
Stage 3 AP...
Stage 3 enjoyed his wit and how it wasn’t a 'straight' lesson.
- collected by Gai Swartz, Shoal Bay PS, NSW.
‘The teachers were pleased with your presentation. Comments were:
- The children were entertained, but he managed their behaviour well.
- Very amusing but good ideas to work on with their writing.
- It has been very useful, as we are working on writing skills at the moment.’
- Viv Wilson, Happy Valley Primary School, SA.
‘DC Green… what a talented and affable fellow!’
- Virginia Cox, Children's/Young Adult Librarian, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council.
‘We have had great feedback.’
- Shay King, St. Aloysius School, Ballarat, Vic.
again for the fantastic visit to our school. You certainly inspired the
kids to get into reading and writing and we already have long waiting
lists to borrow the books we bought for the library.’
- Rachel Bolt, St John Bosco Primary School, SA.
DC, We really enjoyed your recent visit to Palmyra PS. You have been an
inspiration. The kids are so into reading your books and trying to
emulate you in their writing. Thank you so much!’
- Janine Tindale, Palmyra PS, WA.
‘Thank you for your wonderful visit to our little school at Abermain. The students loved it!’
- Holy Spirit Infants School, Abermain.
“DC Green was very entertaining and provided the girls with some useful writing tips.”
- Ms Seear, Year 5, All Hallows' School, Brisbane.
‘Our kids really enjoyed the visit and were very engaged.’
- Rachael Hind, St Monica's Primary School, Evatt, ACT.
had lots of good feedback from the kids, they really enjoyed your
presentation and loved all your antics. Lots of laughs were had by all.’
- Liz Spittall, Currumbin Valley State School, Qld.
‘Our children certainly had a great time and have come up with some good stories.’
- Anita Goodwin, St Josephs Hectorville, SA.
DC Green author visit was a huge success with teachers, students and
parents. DC Green had everyone laughing whilst giving great tips for
writing stories and how to improve their writing.’
- the Tweed Heads Primary School newsletter.
‘A great visit. The kids are still talking about it.’
- Jenni Gates, Coolangatta State School, Qld.
‘The students obviously enjoyed themselves as the books DC left are flying off the shelves!’
- Molly Hardman, Windsor Gardens Vocational College, SA.
‘Thanks for the great show.’
- Bernadette Aitken, Good Shepherd Catholic School, Amaroo, ACT.
‘A wonderful performance.’
- Eleanor Bell, Bundeena PS, NSW.
‘A great show.’
- Ashleigh Blayden, Clarence Town Public School, NSW.
‘Thanks DC for both inspiring and entertaining the kids. Thanks also for sending additional writing strategies so quickly.’
- Julie Curry, Kahibah PS, NSW.
‘The kids here are still talking about DC’s visit and some of them have been inspired to write incredible stories.’
- Beth Morris, South Lake Primary School, WA.
‘The children and teachers were most impressed.’
- Diana Gamra, St Gabriel’s PS, Bexley, NSW.
‘A very high quality presentation… I have had some very positive verbal comments from staff.’
- Kay Bishop, Forest Lakes State High School, Qld.
‘A great show.’
- Margaret Cox, Sandringham 7-10 Campus, Vic.
‘The students really enjoyed the experience.’
- Jenny Charnock, St Mary’s PS, Warners Bay, NSW.
‘The primary teachers thought the show was suitable and were very happy with the response from the children.’
- Annette Darmody, Umina PS, NSW.
‘The kids loved the show.’
- Julian Lafferty, St Thomas More’s, Campbell, ACT.
‘Everyone agreed DC Green’s visit was a very special part of our Book Week Celebrations.’
- Jean Peters, Camden Primary School, NSW.
‘A successful visit.’
- Peter Millar, West Leeming Primary School, WA.
‘The staff and students who attended DC’s presentation were entertained and impressed.’
- A. McRae, St Patrick’s Primary, Walcha, NSW.
Teacher quotes from Narooma Primary School, NSW:
and teachers really enjoyed the presentation. Students asked some very
interesting questions and were entertained and engaged.’
Green promoted reading and writing by being entertaining and funny in
the reading and acting of his books. He was on the children’s wavelength
and had them laughing at the fictionary characters. There were good
teaching points for teachers in the promotion of the writing texts.’ –
John L.
‘Even the little ones were interested!! Great to see.’ - Debbie L, K/Year 1.
enjoyable. Great sense of humour. Encouraged children to participate in
reading and writing activities. Thank you!’ – Jane Richmond, Year 2/3.
‘Entertaining for all ages! Promoting reading and writing in a fun way.’
‘Very entertaining, appealing to the children and a great incentive for writing.’
Green had the children engaged from the beginning of his talk. I really
loved how he involved the children throughout his talk - especially
during the reading of his book. DC has written novels with topics that
really appeal to primary-aged children. He was a fantastic guest
speaker. Very entertaining.’
- Miss Isbester, St Matthews Central School, Mudgee.
entertaining and informative talk. The children loved it, and many came
up afterwards saying DC Green was great. His notes on writing are
- Mary Healy, Teacher Librarian, Auburn North Public School.
‘I found the presentation fantastic & valuable to the students. I would highly recommend DC to any school.’
– Mr Dzbunski, Amaroo School, ACT.
very enthusiastic show. It was great and it struck me that as teachers
we need people like DC to come in and jig up the kids cos by late in the
term we are all out of zip. My class went back to class and started
writing enthusiastically.’
- Tricia Pfieffer, St Patricks, Mansfield Park, SA.
Green was inspirational, even to children that normally struggle to
listen for long. Children were laughing and completely engrossed during
his talk. Excellent advice was given about writing and how to get those
elusive ideas. Thoroughly worthwhile!’
- Vicki Reay, Teacher Librarian, Shoalhaven Heads Public School.
informative, enthusiastic and humorous presentation. The children found
it very enjoyable and it kick-started their imaginations.’
- Angela Karakas, Librarian, Undercliffe Public School.
Years 3 & 4 kids loved it! DC Green was exciting and funny. We all
thought he was great. Loved his jokes in the story. Loved the way he
mixed modern with classical characters in his stories.’
- Lilli Pilli Public School.
Green’s talk was very entertaining and enjoyed by all. The students are
bugging the librarian to get his book out on the shelf to borrow so
they can read it.’
- Years 3 & 4 and their teachers, Yamba PS.
‘A very successful visit.’
- Leslee Evans, Shoal Bay PS.
show content: 10/10! The ideas given about story writing and publishing
were great. Students were inspired and made to feel confident about
their own ideas and experiences and how to use them in their story
writing. The personal anecdotes given by Green were hilarious.
student reaction: 11/10! Getting some boys to read is difficult but DC
Green made it seem cool or to use the modern term 'hectic'. Boys are
buying the books, discussing the storylines and characters and enjoying a
new author and his way of writing.’
- Angela C., Literacy Support Teacher, Marist College, Pagewood.
‘DC captured the imagination of the kids… A great visit.’
- Margaret Makara, St Brigid’s Catholic School, Evanston, SA.
feedback has come from many students and also parents have come in to
tell me of the positive impact DC has had on their children.’
- Melanie Conrick, Cardiff South PS.
was an enthusiastic and entertaining spruiker for reading. He
introduced children to the nuts and bolts of the writing process and
authorship in a novel and funny way. Really good value. Year 4 loved
presentation. What a man! - sense of humour, has guard cats, can cook
and wonderful writing ideas. (Can I take him home?)’
‘An entertaining performance to promote books. It's great to support such a talented author.’
- Teacher quotes collected by Linda Leslie, Barrack Heights PS.
thoroughly enjoyed DC’s visit to our school and I am very pleased with
the children’s responses to hearing an author speak about writing books
for young people.’
- Maria Arrow, Assumption School, Bathurst.
fantastically entertaining hour! It was SO appropriate to my class.
Year 6 were very inspired and returned to the room to WRITE – very good
inspiring stuff. Not once upon a time… We wish DC Green was at our
school ALL the time.’
- Lyn Bedwell, Stanwell Park PS.
‘The kids were thoroughly impressed!’
- Di Imison, Telopea Primary School.
‘The children are still talking about DC (all good of course).’
- Maree Kelly, Holy Trinity Primary School, Wagga Wagga.
‘The teachers and children enjoyed DC’s books.’
- Judith Griffiths, King Street PS, Singleton.
‘It was a great visit. The kids & teachers loved DC’s 'show'. Year 6 have chosen Erasmus as their class novel this term.’
- Kathy Dean, St Matthews Central School, Mudgee.
‘The children really enjoyed DC’s performance and wish to recapture that moment through reading his books.’
- Carol Hick, Hayes Park PS.
‘The feedback from our students and staff has been very good!’
- Julie Veel, St Pauls, Albion Park.
‘The year 4/5 students found DC’s show funny, unusual, entertaining.’
- Sandy Skinner, Reynella East Primary School, SA.
‘A great visit.’
- Tracey Hicks, Teacher-Librarian, Eglinton Public School.
‘Everyone enjoyed the visit. The kids are still debating as to whether or not DC told them the truth about his name:-).’
- Nicole O’Farrell, Holy Spirit, Lavington.
‘The kids at Lithgow Public School still talk of DC’s show that we had earlier in the year.’
- Jodie Klein, Lithgow PS.
heard a lovely story from a parent... The night after DC's show her son
had a friend stay the night. When she got up in the morning instead of
hearing the usual blaring of morning cartoons or rage there was silence.
(always a worry!) When she walked into the lounge room her son and
friend had a beanbag each and were both ploughing through their own
copies of Erasmus in silence. Both boys have been known as 'reluctant
readers' in the past. The mum was very impressed!!’
- Ben Stockwin, Principal, Bruny Island District School, AUSTRALIA'S SOUTHERN-MOST SCHOOL.
‘Spellbound, Laughter and continual giggles,
Sat one hundred and sixty children without any wiggles.
DC enthralled us with many a true tale
Of adventure and survival beyond the pale.
Inspiring the author within each one,
The quest for new stories has really begun.
Erasmus is funny and right up our alley,
We all want to win it in the authorship rally.
of the senior children in our school enjoyed DC Green's visit so much
that they are trying to win his book through writing stories for our
authorship competition.’
- Rowena Chater, Teacher-Librarian, Macgregor Primary, ACT.
fantastic show. DC Green had the children engaged from the very start.
He had their imaginations working overtime coming up with new ideas for
stories. The show was very enjoyable and a great way to kick start
creative writing in your school.’
- Michelle Devine, Teacher Librarian , St Therese Primary, West Wollongong.
a fabulous time the students had listening to DC Green. He was funny.
He used language the children could easily understand and he was able to
get the kids thinking about weird and crazy endings to his stories. The
best thing, as a teacher, was seeing kids who usually find it difficult
coming up with story ideas suddenly thinking of these bizarre and
wonderful story lines.’
- Kevin Pocknall, Amaroo School, ACT.
‘Wonderful tips on writing. The students were so energized by DC Green’s performance.’
- Heather Thompson, Gilgandra Primary.
great show. I was impressed by the way DC Green held the children's
attention, especially some I know are usually restless. All the children
I have spoken to thoroughly enjoyed DC's presentation.’
- Kath Crapp, Bodalla PS.
were enthralled by DC's antics and truly terrific stories. We thank him
for bringing to life the art of creative writing and inspiring the
young to have a go and let go!’
- Jane McCullock, Culburra PS.
children are enjoying the story being read to them, serial style every
afternoon over the school speaker system! I'm the one adjusting reading a
very funny story without an audience I can see or hear. Although one
day the principal and another executive member did cause a slight
hilarious interlude in the reading when they entered the room with a
pillow, blanket and a glass of milk to sit and listen!! Hence they are
now banned due to the fact I can't read while laughing out loud!!!! The
students are also having a great time designing Zapp Machines and
working out what on earth DC stands for!!’
- Catherine Bishenden, St Joseph's Primary, Orange.
kids loved DC Green's visit. He is irreverent and funny and he
discusses creative writing and the writing process. We enjoyed it!’
- Rachael Hind, St Bede's P.S., Red Hill, ACT.
thought DC was clever in the way that he wove the craft of
story-telling into his oral story-telling. I thought he engaged the
children effectively by using the humour of his book and his personal
- Mrs H., Lindsay Park Primary School.
‘Staff and kids loved the show. It was an entertaining morning, and a good laugh! (educational too, of course!)’
- Joyanne Tollis, Calwell PS, ACT.
3/4/5/6 students loved DC's performance. His jokes were so funny, some
of the students had trouble sitting up. Another was crying with
laughter. The students loved his vivid imagination, singing and rap. I
am currently reading Erasmus James to the 5/6 class.’
- Katrina McArthur, Jervis Bay School.
‘DC Green's show was enjoyable and entertaining. I set the children a writing task straight after as they were so motivated.’
- Vicky Aisbett, Assistant Principal, Berkeley Public School.
‘Thanks again for your visit. The kids really enjoyed it and can't wait for the next book to be published.’
- Angela Fitzpatrick, Parkes East Primary School.
‘It was a pleasure to have DC Green visit. I see children in the playground absorbed in reading his book.’
- Petra Pollum, Unanderra Primary School.
‘We were very impressed with DC's show. The students enjoyed his antics as well as his writing tips. An entertaining visit.’
- Kate Bohlscheid, Teacher/Librarian, Queanbeyan High School.
thoroughly enjoyed being part of DC's performance. Hopefully the
Academy Award is in the mail!!! Including teachers and students in
performances will always enhance motivation and ensure their time is
memorable. DC's writing tips and ideas support what teachers are doing
in the classroom and allow children to unlock the key elements in
writing narrative.’
- Smithton Primary School, Tasmania.
children really enjoyed DC Green's style and his zany manner. He
inspired the children with different ways to express themselves in their
writing and encouraged the children to read. The children really
enjoyed this experience.’
- Mater Dei Catholic Primary School newsletter.
of our dreamy 5th graders reflected on DC's presentation with the
words, ‘Really Mrs Knowles, he was just born to entertain don't you
- Karyn Knowles, Teacher Librarian, North Nowra Public School.
2 and 3 students were invited to attend DC Green's presentation, which
was greatly enjoyed by all. The students were very interested in how DC
became a writer and the process of publishing. Books were available for
students to purchase after the session and a class set was purchased for
Stage 3 Literacy.’
- Marg Pike, Teacher Librarian, Vincentia Primary School.
‘A very informative, entertaining show.’
– Mr Kelly, Undercliffe Public School.
you DC... for your enthusiasm, humour and knowledge. I will definitely
recommend you to other schools! (You can quote me on that if you want
- Judithe Hall, Resource Centre Manager, Holy Spirit College (Bellambi).
‘Wow!! Energetic, spontaneous interaction with students. Powerful writing tips.’
- Danielle Griffiths, Gilgandra Primary.
Green recently performed before an audience of 80 adults and children
at Ulladulla Library. This event was a great success and as he read
excerpts from his book he acted, danced, answered questions and actively
involved the audience who really enjoyed his informative and funny
show. It's well worth asking DC Green to ‘perform’.’
- Rosemary Burke, ex-teacher, Acting Manager, Ulladulla Library.
‘I read a chapter or so each day to my class. They really enjoyed it, especially the jokes and the naughty bits!’
- Bob Swoope, teacher, Milton Public School.
‘The children enjoyed DC Green's humour and are eager to continue reading his book.’
- Meg Boxsell, Berkeley Public School.
kids really enjoyed the show. They talked about it and are looking
forward to reading the books.’ - Morgan Davies, Undercliffe Public
And these, from the same school...
‘Excellent. Students were interested in all aspects of the talk.’
- Mr Mungovern, Dapto Public School.
‘Entertaining, engrossing, educational. We look forward eagerly to DC's next visit.’
- Mr Quinn, Dapto Public School.
‘DC Green captivated the children with his entertaining and inspiring presentation, which even included raps.’
- J. Damir, Dapto Public School.
‘Very witty and entertaining. Thoroughly enjoyed by students and teachers.’
- D. Cecchels, Dapto Public School.
‘The children were totally engrossed by his humorous, entertaining personality.’
- Cathy Jones, Dapto Public School.
‘A very funny man. Thoroughly enjoyed his performance!’
- Jenny Doblander, Dapto Public School.
‘Entertaining, educational and motivating.’
- David Dark, Dapto Public School.
And this, from the festival front:
Green was a guest speaker/author at our 2005 Canberra Readers and
Writers Festival in October 2005. DC was well prepared for his session
and spoke thoughtfully and intelligently on the speaker's panel. He gave
an entertaining reading and presentation of his children's book and was
able to adapt the pitch of the presentation to suit the audience which
ended up being much older than anticipated. I am pleased to recommend
him for speaking events or school presentations.’
- Christine Aldred, Youth Projects Officer, ACT Writers Centre.
DC, the staff and management commitee of the NSW Writers' Centre send
you our warmest thanks for your participation in the Writing for
Children and Young Adults Festival on 22 July 2006. The day was a great
success and was very much enjoyed by all who attended. Throughout the
day there was a wonderful sense of cameraderie and visitors came away
from the festival inspired by all our panellists' ideas and experience.
Once again, many thanks from me, our staff and committee.’
- Irina Dunn, President, NSW Writers' Centre.
And some more teacher quotes:
all accounts the students really got a lot out of the workshop and
enjoyed hearing from a real live author and journalist.’
- Louise McMullen, Amaroo School Library.
‘Exciting, informative, age appropriate. One of the best shows I've seen in a long time.’
- Mrs Greenhalgh, Gilgandra Primary School.
stretch your students' minds and encourage them to read, you could not
go past fantastic children's author DC Green. One hundred enthralled
students now believe the first letters of DC's book, 'Erasmus James and
the Galactic Zapp Machine', stand for Energetic, Jumping, Amusing, Great
and Zany!’
- Mark Tweed, Year Six teacher, St Michaels Primary, Nowra.
months after DC Green charmed the children at Lake Munmorah they are
still requesting THAT book by the ‘funny man’. It has not been back on
the shelf since he left, a sure fire indication of how much they love
- Chris Knight, teacher librarian, Lake Munmorah Public School.
‘The children thoroughly enjoyed DC's vitality, stories and enthusiasm.’
- Pip Harris, teacher librarian, Mater Dei Catholic Primary School, Wagga Wagga.
kids I have spoken to enjoyed DC’s talk. They said stuff like "He was
funny" and "He can't dance very well, but it was fun." The English head
teacher who was there really enjoyed the puns and felt that he had some
good stuff to tell them. I’ve had a number of requests for DC’s books -
my one copy is in demand!’
- Marion Hing, Warilla High School.
library copy of DC's book is circulating very well. As soon as it goes
back on the shelf, it has been re-borrowed soon after. This means that
his promotional visits are having an impact.’
- Margaret Cooper, Shellharbour Primary School.
students really enjoyed DC's visit and were very positive in their
responses. They particularly enjoyed the wacky sections of the show.
Being country students they have very few opportunities to have
interaction with a REAL live author. The post visit discussions were
very positive.’
- Sandra Campbell, St Patrick's Catholic Primary School, Griffith.
you for participating in this year's 'International Writer's
Celebration'. Your contribution has been very significant and without it
the event would not have been such a success. We hope that you will
participate next year.’
- Shannon Spiers and Jessie Ebsworth, Student Coordinators, Queanbeyan High School.
feedback from the children, in all grades, was very positive. They all
seemed to enjoy themselves a great deal. The teachers commented that
most of the children were chattering quite excitedly about DC's
presentation when they were back in class. I look forward to seeing DC's
future writings in my library.’
- Warren Rich, Lindsay Park Public School.
children were all spellbound by the antics of DC Green. When I
discussed his visit with the class after the show, the students were
able to recall the important features of writing a good story, and all
were eager to have a go themselves!’
- Kate, Orana Heights Primary School.
‘The children loved DC Green's antics!’
- Robyn Dunlop, Librarian, Lakes Entrance Primary School, VIC.
At Tuesday, July 04, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hi DC green. you went to the school called St.Thomas The Aposle on the 4th of July 2006 your show was so fuunnnyy. The best part about it was your story. I would like to be a famous writer when I grow up. I go to the coast the, and place I go to is called Kioloa beach. I would like to write a story about you being a famous writer and you write me lots of chapter books. Andy Griffiths was my favourite writer before I saw you. I will ask Mum to get one of your books on the weekend.
PS: Please write a book about cops chasing a BMW.
cheers from nicho
At Tuesday, July 04, 2006,
DC Green said…
Hi Nicho,
I enjoyed my visit to St Thomas the Apostle and I'm stoked you thought my show was funny.
Keep writing!
At Monday, October 30, 2006,
Anonymous said…
hi DC green:) u came to my school St Therese west wollongong. i really liked your song that u sang to us.You encourged me to start writting stories. thankyou!
From Annabell
At Monday, October 30, 2006,
DC Green said…
Hi Annabell,
I'm stoked to hear you're writing stories! It's lots of fun!!
Cheers to all at St Therese,
At Monday, March 19, 2007,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Monday, March 19, 2007,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Wednesday, April 02, 2008,
Jaime D Buckley said…
GREEN! Oh, my good friend it is so good to hear your progress and success!!
Just wanted to let you know my children are asking when the next Erasmus James book is coming out, as well as to inform you that the second WANTED:HERO novel is being edited for printing.
Of course, I want to do an advert in the back for you and your books. Complimentary, from me to you--just because Green and Huey happen to be the 3rd favorite characters of ALL TIME from my comics!
I also want to promote you and your site from http://www.wantedhero.com. I am making your profile right now =).
At Monday, April 14, 2008,
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Friday, April 25, 2008,
Deborah said…
Hi DC,
how do I get a copy of your writing tips?????
At Wednesday, April 30, 2008,
Deborah said…
Hi Craig,
thankyou for your reply...email is
I imagine your part of the world is very lovely at the moment. Keep the sun shining and the south winds at bay for me. I am looking forward to doing a 3 day professional development training course for teachers at Merimbula in a few weeks and hoping the weather will be kind.
Cheers Deborah
At Thursday, May 15, 2008,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Thursday, May 15, 2008,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Thursday, May 15, 2008,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Tuesday, August 10, 2010,
Unknown said…
Your blog is very useful..
Keep going..
At Monday, August 30, 2010,
3S Blog Dogs said…
Hi DC,
You visited our school today. We loved your visit and wrote about it on our blogs. Check it out:
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